How to Earn Money by Food Blogging: A Step by Step Guide

Bangla Post Desk
Bangla Post Desk
Published: 14 September 2024, 12:28 pm
How to Earn Money by Food Blogging: A Step by Step Guide

Who doesn’t love to eat? And if you are a foodie, chances are that you enjoy talking about food as much as you love eating. Now imagine getting paid to do something that you love! This is where food blogging comes in. Food blogging can be a full-time career with great income if you know how to do it properly. Here’s how you can become a food blogger and start earning. 

How to Become an Authentic Food Blogger  
If you want to earn money through food blogging, the first thing you need is a genuine passion for food. Let’s be honest, if you don’t know what cuisines come from where or what are the ingredients, you can only blog about with just pictures or superficial descriptions. Here are some tips to keep in mind before getting started as a food blogger. 

- Be genuine and authentic. Write about the food that you are truly passionate about and enjoy. With that, blogging will not feel like work but rather something that you would actually enjoy. 
Perseverance is the key. You will not get thousands of hits with your first blog. It might take 10, 50, or even 100 articles. The key here is to stay determined. 

- Try to post authentic content. Do not just replicate stuff that is out there. try and explore a different angle to, for example, a restaurant or a cuisine that has been already reviewed. Explore whether the dish can be recreated at home and many more. 

- Connect with other bloggers. Networking is a key to success in blogging because it allows you to make guest posts on other blogs. It creates a foray of exposure through backlinks. 

- Connect with the readers. Keep a comment box at the end of each blog post and respond to their comments. Little interactions will go a long way to create repeat readers. 

- Incorporate different platform-sharing options. 

- Explore vlogging through popular video streaming sites like TikTok and YouTube. Even if you are not sure about creating longer video content, you can just start by creating short reels.

How to Earn Money Through Food Blogging 
Food blogging is still a micro niche in Bangladesh. On the contrary, there is a huge boom in the food vlogging landscape in the country. Popular platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube have paved the way for food vloggers. Often restaurants and hotels partner with the vloggers for marketing campaigns and offering exclusive offers. 

Due to the high number of food vloggers, blogging has remained a relatively small niche. As a result, it also holds great prospects if you’re truly passionate about food. Let’s look at how to earn money through both blogging and vlogging. 

Create a Website 
It does not emphasize that you will need a website for your food blog. The pro tip here is to create a lightweight, highly optimized site that has easy readability across devices. Also, opt for reputed web hosting like Hostinger and GoDaddy for better loading speed and uptime. Also, come up with a catchy name for the domain. 

Display ads 
The primary way to earn from food blogs is to monetize the blog through ads. Sign up with leading ad platforms like Mediavine and Adthrive to get great deals on ad placements. However, some of the ad agencies require sufficient traction of minimum hits and time spent data to partner with a blog. Others require targeted customers from specific localities. For starters, consider signing up with Google Adsense as it provides the easiest way to monetize your blog. 

You can also consider selling direct ad spaces in your blog through partnerships with local businesses. 

Affiliate Marketing 
Affiliate marketing is the major source of income for any blog. However, there are not many local affiliate marketing opportunities in Bangladesh, especially in the food niche for blogging. 

However, vloggers have a good prospect in this regard. Partnerships with restaurants can easily generate a high amount of commission. 

Sell Recipe Books 
Once your blog has sufficient traction and returning readers, consider launching your own cookbook. It can generate passive income through royalties. It's now easier than ever to self-publish cookbooks thanks to Amazon and other ebook selling platforms. 

Brand Deals 
Brand deals and sponsored posts are another great way to generate money through blogging. But currently, brand deals and sponsored posts (Instagram and other social media platforms) are mostly limited to vloggers. Now the question is how to get these deals as a vlogger. The easy answer is if your vlogs are generating views, businesses themselves will contact you. If not, consider signing up with an influencer marketing agency. 

Sell Merch and Physical Products 
If you have run your blog or vlog channel successfully, then chances are you can branch out your domain as a brand. It is a long shot process but creating a brand out of your blog will essentially allow you to sell merch and physical products.

How Much Do Food Bloggers and Vloggers Earn? 
The amount of earnings of a food blogger is a relative thing. It depends on how big the blog or vlog channel is and how many readers or viewers it can generate. On the top spectrum, a food blogger can expect to earn as much as $120,000 with the lower spectrum being at around $40,000 per year. That’s almost about 1,31,63,352 BDT (higher spectrum) to 43,87,784 BDT (lower spectrum) (1 USD = 109.69 BDT). However, it’s the American perspective. 

Bangladesh food vloggers have been reported to earn anywhere between thousands to lakhs of BDT per month through partnerships and collaboration. 

Final Words 
Food blogging is still a relatively small niche as vlogging has taken center stage. But regardless, both domains hold significant potential to be a great income source for the foodies. While it may sound easy, the actual process of blogging requires persistence and dedication as it might take months or years before there’s noticeable progress.