Economic discrimination must be removed to establish true democracy: FEJ

Bangla Post Desk
Published: 22 September 2024, 05:12 pm
Economic discrimination must be removed to establish true democracy: FEJ

The Forum for Economic Justice (FEJ) in a press conference on Saturday demanded elimination of financial discrimination in the country.

The organization claimed that it is never possible to build a discrimination-free society by maintaining the traditional ownership-based financial system.

Therefore, at every level of society, the rights of the people should be established and profits should be shared at a fair rate among the participants. Workers' ownership of production, share of dividends, and representative management should be ensured to ensure equitable distribution of profits.

The FEJ also said that private-owned capitalism is the root cause of social exploitation and social business is a new strategy to sustain a decaying individualistic capitalist economy.

“We don't want to tarnish our new freedom gained on August 5. From quota reform to elimination of inequality, from elimination of inequality to state reform -- we must establish economic justice to transform the victory of 2024,” said the leaders of the organization.

Farrukh Khosru, convener of the organization, joint conveners Mohammad Salim Hossain, Md. Noor Alam, Dr Forkan Uddin Ahmed, Tapan Kumar Nath, Barrister Solaiman Tushar, Mushrikul Islam Shimul, and Ashraful Islam Ashu, among others, spoke in the press conference.