End of season types witness heavy withdrawals in the weekly tea sale

The bulk of the offerings constituted of plain end of season types which met with a restricted demand and witnessed heavy withdrawals in the 43rd sale of the year held
in the port city on Monday.
However, a few clean teas continued to meet with a fairly good demand and sold in line with quality. Blenders continued to lend good support with interest from the loose tea buyers. Dusts were an easier market.
The details of the sale excerpts as below:
CTC LEAF: 53,021 packages of tea on offer met with less demand.
BROKENS: A few clean Brokens on offer met with a good demand at around last levels. All other varieties met with a fair demand and where sold eased in line with quality particularly the plainer varieties. BLF teas continued to meet with a restricted demand with very heavy withdrawals.
FANNINGS: A few clean Fannings met with a fairly good demand and were about steady. The remainder met with a fair demand but eased in line with quality particularly the plainer types. BLF teas continued to meet with a restricted demand with very heavy withdrawals.
DUST: 7,604 packages of tea on offer met with a good demand. Good liquoring Dusts were in good demand at slightly easier rates. Mediums also witnessed a decline in price but sold well closely following quality. Plain/BLF Dusts were difficult of sale with heavy withdrawals. Blenders lent strong support with fair interest from the Loose tea buyers.